Huntington Beach, CA 92648
& Implant Surgery
Dental Implant Warranty

Implant Warranty
There is much a consumer must know before selecting the right dentist to perform their dental implant surgery. Always remember that you’re not just purchasing an implant, but the training of the surgeon and the expertise to properly place them
Dr. Russo is a Specialist in Periodontics & Dental Implants. This means upon completion of Dental School they completed an additional 3-year full-time Surgical Residency focusing on Periodontics, Bone and Gingival Regeneration and Dental Implant Surgery. Their knowledge and experience set them apart as some of the best trained and experienced implant surgeons. They both have lectured nationally on the subject and hold Clinical Associate Professorships at the University of Southern California. Although in rare instances an implant may fail, we pride ourselves in the level of treatment we provide and the resulting implant success rates and as such have the confidence to offer an unprecedented 5-year implant warranty (some conditions and limitations do apply).
Our 5-year dental implant warranty program
Your Implant will work or we will remove it and replace it – absolutely free.
- Many surgeons will offer this courtesy, but few will do so in writing. In addition, in those rare instances when an implant does fail, corrective surgery such as bone and/or soft tissue grafting is often needed. If we have to remove one of our implants, we will replace the implant and also perform any necessary corrective procedures at no cost.
Your implant will be examined and x-rayed annually for 5 years
- We stand by our services. Dr. Russo will perform the surgical treatment necessary to replace the failed implant free of charge for up to five years after initial placement. This warranty does not include prosthetic (restorative) treatment; however, the implant manufacturer may reimburse your dentist for his/her costs. The warranty is in effect as long as you comply with the implant maintenance and annual recall program, as recommended. Since smoking contributes to a higher than normal failure rate, smokers are excluded from this warranty.
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