Huntington Beach, CA 92648
& Implant Surgery
Special Equipment
3D Imaging
The i-CAT 3-D dental scan system is well in advance of any x-ray system. The i-CAT provides 3-D images of the teeth, jaw, sinuses and skull structure in 1/20th of a second with significantly less radiation than a medical CT scan.
The 3-D scans from the i-CAT provide anatomically accurate data and surgical predictability for:
- Implant placement
- Impactions
- TMJ analysis
- Airway assessments
- Panoramics
- Cephalometrics
- Orthodontics
- Orthognathic surgery

Anatomage 3D Software
Advanced 3D rendering software that aids with treatment diagnosis and planning. Anatomage Software allows images to transition easily between 2D and 3D xray images and digital renderings that are enhanced with extra features, allowing the doctor to fully plan surgeries and dental treatments.

DTX Studio Clinic
DTX Studio Clinic is software that displays all images and data from 2D to 3D X-ray imaging files and puts them into one place to be accessed and used in one diagnostic worflow.

Air-Flow Master Piezon
The gentle AIRFLOW® & PERIOFLOW® treatment provides a fast and pleasant biofilm removal, eliminating stains and partially-mineralized deposits in both sub and supra-gingival areas. Together with the PIEZON® NO PAIN technology and its dynamic power response, the AIRFLOW® Master Piezon is able to provide a minimally- invasive treatment for calculus & mineralized deposits – all in one device.

Medit i500
Medit i500 is a digital, 3D intra-oral scanner that produces high resolution dental impressions of your teeth. This helps us with accuracy in mapping your mouth and diagnosing any oral issues.
Intra-Oral Camera
We provide our patients with an intra-oral video examination. This allows both the doctor and the patient to see the condition of the mouth at the same time, then discuss treatment options.

Digital X-Rays
Our office uses the latest in digital x-ray technology. Digital x-rays offer a detailed image of your entire mouth and also offer up to 80% less radiation than traditional film x-rays.
X-rays play an invaluable role in the diagnosis of dental problems, as well as provide a clear picture for a dentist to accurately diagnose and provide the necessary treatment.
We place a small sensor in your mouth. The sensor is connected to a computer by a thin wire. Next, an x-ray beam is sent through your teeth and into the sensor, which records the image of your teeth and sends it to the computer. The sensor can then be repositioned to image other sections of your teeth.
The digital dental x-ray system is more sensitive than dental x-ray film systems, so your exposure to x-rays is cut by as much as 90 percent. The large and color-enhanced images let you see what your dentist sees, so it's easier for you to understand how your dentist will treat your teeth. Your dental checkups take less time, and it's fun to watch this system work! Most patients are amazed.

Sterile Water
We use sterile water rather than tap or normal distilled water to help safeguard against germs and contamination.

Diode Laser
The Diode Laser is a great tool for shaping the gums and removing bacteria from the periodontal pocket, the space between the gums and tooth. Dental cleanings performed with diode laser therapy significantly improve the success of healing the gums.
Inflammation, bleeding, pocket depths, and the amount of bacteria are all greatly reduced as opposed to just scaling and polishing the teeth alone. Best of all, laser therapy has been shown to improve circulation and increase the components that speed healing, referred to as Biostimulation. With any oral procedure or surgery, Biostimulation reduces pain and swelling and can help your mouth recover more quickly.
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